Online panel discussion

With Ana Maria Corrêa (KU Leuven), Kandice Kreamer Fults (VUB) and Jelena Luyts (UNamur)

Including women in research data goes beyond mere representation; it involves recognizing the diverse realities, challenges, and strengths that women bring to the table. Yet, women are often left out or underrepresented in various aspects of data collection.
In this panel discussion, three passionate researchers will share their experience with this gender (data) gap in various scientific disciplines, ranging from life sciences to climate change and artificial intelligence. They will delve into the real-life consequences of the gender data gap and explore new approaches to close this gap.
Join us for a transformative conversation towards a more comprehensive and equitable future!

Ana Maria Corrêa

KU Leuven

Dr. Ana Maria Corrêa, a legal scholar at KU Leuven, specialized in the intersection of non-discrimination rights, technology, and philosophy. In her research, she explores the consequences of the historical underrepresentation of women in hard sciences on gender equality, particularly within AI systems, and addresses the perpetuation of stereotypes. Her work offers valuable insights into the existing EU policies and regulations designed to tackle this crucial issue.

Kandice Kreamer Fults

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Kandice Kreamer Fults, a doctoral researcher at the Cosmopolis Centre for Urban Research and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, exploring gendered transportation behavior, household travel choices, and interactions. Her research delves into childhood mobility and childhood travel, revealing that female adolescents are more likely to be accompanied compared to their male counterparts.

Jelena Luyts

Université de Namur

Jelena Luyts is a PhD student in geography at the University of Namur,. She is engaged in the PEEMPASS project, which focuses on perceptions of environmental change and population mobility in sub-Saharan Africa to explore household adaptation to environmental change. Specifically, she highlighted how each person in the household complements the other and has their own story to tell. Although gender is not central to the thesis subject, it consistently influenced the data collection approach.


Belgian Women In Science

BeWiSe is a non-profit organisation connecting and supporting female scientists active at universities, research institutes and companies all over Belgium. BeWiSe wants to achieve gender-equal participation at all levels of science and engineering in the public and private sectors.
The Women in Science Day conferences continue to explore how to speed up the transition to gender equality in scientific careers. In this year's edition, on March 8, BeWiSe invites higher education students, academics, university professionals and policy-makers to discuss the “Mathilda effect”, and how this barrier to gender equality can be lifted.