The impact of science communication

When you get involved in science communication, you often have a specific goal in mind: to teach people something new, to make them aware of a certain topic or simply to allow them to get involved with science. But how do you know whether you have reached those goals? And whether you succeeded in reaching the kind of people that you wanted to reach?

Dr. Ward Peeters has studied these questions with the IMPACTLAB team. In this talk, he will dive deeper into the ways we can measure the impact of our scicomm activities and the tools we can use to improve our strategies.


Ward Peeters holds a PhD in Linguistics and is one of the research coordinators at IMPACTLAB, an inter-university knowledge centre that specialises in measuring the impact of science communication at Leiden University and Utrecht University in the Netherlands. 

Ward has recently taken up the role of Lecturer in Linguistics at Monash University (Australia) and is a Visiting Professor at Kanda University of International Studies (Japan).