What's in it for you?

  • You get to know the "rules" of social media platforms

    What works on which platform and why? The coach will guide you through the advantages and challenges of several platforms.

  • You find your place and audience

    Step by step, you develop your own online identity and audience, guided by our coaches.

  • You build your own network

    You learn how to connect with people similar goals to share your research with.


From noscura.nl

Rob Speekenbrink

Rob is managing partner at Noscura, and an optimist by nature. He keeps an eye on the bigger picture and digs deep to get to the core of every customer's question. You will get to know him as an honest and inspiring coach. And he likes to spend his spare time in theaters, museums, and... boats.

What to expect?

We guide scientists towards an online identity and strategy

  • To prep for the workshop, you will receive some content, preparatory questions and inspirational examples on our online learning platform.

  • During the workshop, you will develop insights on your needs and create a social media strategy.

  • At home, you will start experimenting with the platform of your choice to optimize your profile and craft a post using the tips & tricks from the course.

  • During an online follow-up session, you will give and receive feedback on each other's strategy from Coach Rob and your peers.

Something for you?

  • Do you want to use social media to reach out? Do you want support to find your style and to cope with online negativity?

  • Are you available on March 12 to join an interactive hands-on workshop?

  • Can you join a short online feedback session on March 29 to receive and give feedback?


An eye-opener

Joppe Massant

"I liked how the workshop 'Social Media for Scientists' made your reflect about what you do an do not put online, and what your values are. In my opinion, this is the key to creating sustainable engagement and staying motived to produce content"


Creative and well-balanced science communication

The SciComm Academy is an initiative by SciMingo. We are a Brussels-based nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering creative & well-balanced science communication. Our aim is to encourage scientists to share their research with the world, and guide them in that process.

You might know us from projects such as the Flemish Dissertation Award (Vlaamse Scriptieprijs), Flemish PhD Cup (Vlaamse PhD Cup) and Science Figured Out. Find out more at scimingo.eu

Want to know more about the SciComm Academy?
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